Add Matt Isbell to Your COBRA Team. Improve your COBRA administration methods and compliance with our legendary phone, email, and/or text support.
When making COBRA decisions, you do not have to be alone. You can have Matt Isbell, in your office via telephone or email, as part of your COBRA administration team anytime you need! Unlike COBRA administration companies who use customer service or support staffs, all of your follow-up calls or emails for one year will be answered by Matt alone. This personal access, which is unique in the COBRA field, means no COBRA decision needs to be made in a vacuum or by guessing. Matt will help in evaluating the particular situation and can assist you and your employer in complying with the rulings and regulations as your decisions are made.
All calls, emails, and/or texts are answered personally by Matt!
When evaluating the costs for follow-up phone or email support, simply ask the following questions. How much would one phone call to your corporate counsel cost? $250? $300? $500? The penalty for only one day of noncompliance is $110! What is the cost of peace of mind?
Your calls and emails will be returned ASAP. Matt may not be available at the exact time of your question but he will respond before, after, and during breaks in his seminar/workshop schedule. Realizing the importance of your questions, if he is not immediately available, Matt will most certainly contact you within 24 hours after receiving your message.
When making COBRA decisions, you do not have to be alone. You can have Matt Isbell, in your office via telephone or email, as part of your COBRA administration team anytime you need! Unlike COBRA administration companies who use customer service or support staffs, all of your follow-up calls or emails for one year will be answered by Matt alone. This personal access, which is unique in the COBRA field, means no COBRA decision needs to be made in a vacuum or by guessing. Matt will help in evaluating the particular situation and can assist you and your employer in complying with the rulings and regulations as your decisions are made.
All calls, emails, and/or texts are answered personally by Matt!
When evaluating the costs for follow-up phone or email support, simply ask the following questions. How much would one phone call to your corporate counsel cost? $250? $300? $500? The penalty for only one day of noncompliance is $110! What is the cost of peace of mind?
Your calls and emails will be returned ASAP. Matt may not be available at the exact time of your question but he will respond before, after, and during breaks in his seminar/workshop schedule. Realizing the importance of your questions, if he is not immediately available, Matt will most certainly contact you within 24 hours after receiving your message.